API Reference

Geometry Construction


class gdspy.PolygonSet(polygons, layer=0, datatype=0)

Bases: object

Set of polygonal objects.

  • polygons (iterable of array-like[N][2]) – List containing the coordinates of the vertices of each polygon.
  • layer (integer) – The GDSII layer number for this element.
  • datatype (integer) – The GDSII datatype for this element (between 0 and 255).
  • polygons (list of numpy array[N][2]) – Coordinates of the vertices of each polygon.
  • layers (list of integer) – The GDSII layer number for each element.
  • datatypes (list of integer) – The GDSII datatype for each element (between 0 and 255).
  • properties ({integer: string} dictionary) – Properties for these elements.


The last point should not be equal to the first (polygons are automatically closed).

The original GDSII specification supports only a maximum of 199 vertices per polygon.


Calculate the bounding box of the polygons.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this polygon in the form [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the polygon is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this object.

  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation (in radians).
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the rotation.

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scalex, scaley=None, center=(0, 0))

Scale this object.

  • scalex (number) – Scaling factor along the first axis.
  • scaley (number or None) – Scaling factor along the second axis. If None, same as scalex.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:


to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.

Calculate the total area of this polygon set.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
fracture(max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Slice these polygons in the horizontal and vertical directions so that each resulting piece has at most max_points. This operation occurs in place.

  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5 for the fracture to occur).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:


fillet(radius, points_per_2pi=128, max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Round the corners of these polygons and fractures them into polygons with less vertices if necessary.

  • radius (number, array-like) – Radius of the corners. If number: all corners filleted by that amount. If array: specify fillet radii on a per-polygon basis (length must be equal to the number of polygons in this PolygonSet). Each element in the array can be a number (all corners filleted by the same amount) or another array of numbers, one per polygon vertex. Alternatively, the array can be flattened to have one radius per PolygonSet vertex.
  • points_per_2pi (integer) – Number of vertices used to approximate a full circle. The number of vertices in each corner of the polygon will be the fraction of this number corresponding to the angle encompassed by that corner with respect to 2 pi.
  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5, otherwise the resulting polygon is not fractured).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates in case of fracturing.

out – This object.

Return type:


translate(dx, dy)

Translate this polygon.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:


mirror(p1, p2=(0, 0))

Mirror the polygons over a line through points 1 and 2

  • p1 (array-like[2]) – first point defining the reflection line
  • p2 (array-like[2]) – second point defining the reflection line

out – This object.

Return type:



class gdspy.Polygon(points, layer=0, datatype=0)

Bases: gdspy.polygon.PolygonSet

Polygonal geometric object.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Coordinates of the vertices of the polygon.
  • layer (integer) – The GDSII layer number for this element.
  • datatype (integer) – The GDSII datatype for this element (between 0 and 255).


The last point should not be equal to the first (polygons are automatically closed).

The original GDSII specification supports only a maximum of 199 vertices per polygon.


>>> triangle_pts = [(0, 40), (15, 40), (10, 50)]
>>> triangle = gdspy.Polygon(triangle_pts)
>>> myCell.add(triangle)

Calculate the total area of this polygon set.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
fillet(radius, points_per_2pi=128, max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Round the corners of these polygons and fractures them into polygons with less vertices if necessary.

  • radius (number, array-like) – Radius of the corners. If number: all corners filleted by that amount. If array: specify fillet radii on a per-polygon basis (length must be equal to the number of polygons in this PolygonSet). Each element in the array can be a number (all corners filleted by the same amount) or another array of numbers, one per polygon vertex. Alternatively, the array can be flattened to have one radius per PolygonSet vertex.
  • points_per_2pi (integer) – Number of vertices used to approximate a full circle. The number of vertices in each corner of the polygon will be the fraction of this number corresponding to the angle encompassed by that corner with respect to 2 pi.
  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5, otherwise the resulting polygon is not fractured).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates in case of fracturing.

out – This object.

Return type:


fracture(max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Slice these polygons in the horizontal and vertical directions so that each resulting piece has at most max_points. This operation occurs in place.

  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5 for the fracture to occur).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:



Calculate the bounding box of the polygons.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this polygon in the form [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the polygon is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
mirror(p1, p2=(0, 0))

Mirror the polygons over a line through points 1 and 2

  • p1 (array-like[2]) – first point defining the reflection line
  • p2 (array-like[2]) – second point defining the reflection line

out – This object.

Return type:


rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this object.

  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation (in radians).
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the rotation.

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scalex, scaley=None, center=(0, 0))

Scale this object.

  • scalex (number) – Scaling factor along the first axis.
  • scaley (number or None) – Scaling factor along the second axis. If None, same as scalex.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:


to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this polygon.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:



class gdspy.Rectangle(point1, point2, layer=0, datatype=0)

Bases: gdspy.polygon.PolygonSet

Rectangular geometric object.

  • point1 (array-like[2]) – Coordinates of a corner of the rectangle.
  • point2 (array-like[2]) – Coordinates of the corner of the rectangle opposite to point1.
  • layer (integer) – The GDSII layer number for this element.
  • datatype (integer) – The GDSII datatype for this element (between 0 and 255).


>>> rectangle = gdspy.Rectangle((0, 0), (10, 20))
>>> myCell.add(rectangle)

Calculate the total area of this polygon set.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
fillet(radius, points_per_2pi=128, max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Round the corners of these polygons and fractures them into polygons with less vertices if necessary.

  • radius (number, array-like) – Radius of the corners. If number: all corners filleted by that amount. If array: specify fillet radii on a per-polygon basis (length must be equal to the number of polygons in this PolygonSet). Each element in the array can be a number (all corners filleted by the same amount) or another array of numbers, one per polygon vertex. Alternatively, the array can be flattened to have one radius per PolygonSet vertex.
  • points_per_2pi (integer) – Number of vertices used to approximate a full circle. The number of vertices in each corner of the polygon will be the fraction of this number corresponding to the angle encompassed by that corner with respect to 2 pi.
  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5, otherwise the resulting polygon is not fractured).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates in case of fracturing.

out – This object.

Return type:


fracture(max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Slice these polygons in the horizontal and vertical directions so that each resulting piece has at most max_points. This operation occurs in place.

  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5 for the fracture to occur).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:



Calculate the bounding box of the polygons.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this polygon in the form [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the polygon is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
mirror(p1, p2=(0, 0))

Mirror the polygons over a line through points 1 and 2

  • p1 (array-like[2]) – first point defining the reflection line
  • p2 (array-like[2]) – second point defining the reflection line

out – This object.

Return type:


rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this object.

  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation (in radians).
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the rotation.

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scalex, scaley=None, center=(0, 0))

Scale this object.

  • scalex (number) – Scaling factor along the first axis.
  • scaley (number or None) – Scaling factor along the second axis. If None, same as scalex.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:


to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this polygon.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:



class gdspy.Round(center, radius, inner_radius=0, initial_angle=0, final_angle=0, tolerance=0.01, number_of_points=None, max_points=199, layer=0, datatype=0)

Bases: gdspy.polygon.PolygonSet

Circular geometric object.

Represent a circle, ellipse, ring or their sections.

  • center (array-like[2]) – Coordinates of the center of the circle/ring.
  • radius (number, array-like[2]) – Radius of the circle/outer radius of the ring. To build an ellipse an array of 2 numbers can be used, representing the radii in the horizontal and vertical directions.
  • inner_radius (number, array-like[2]) – Inner radius of the ring. To build an elliptical hole, an array of 2 numbers can be used, representing the radii in the horizontal and vertical directions.
  • initial_angle (number) – Initial angle of the circular/ring section (in radians).
  • final_angle (number) – Final angle of the circular/ring section (in radians).
  • tolerance (float) – Approximate curvature resolution. The number of points is automatically calculated.
  • number_of_points (integer or None) – Manually define the number of vertices that form the object (polygonal approximation). Overrides tolerance.
  • max_points (integer) – If the number of points in the element is greater than max_points, it will be fractured in smaller polygons with at most max_points each. If max_points is zero no fracture will occur.
  • layer (integer) – The GDSII layer number for this element.
  • datatype (integer) – The GDSII datatype for this element (between 0 and 255).


The original GDSII specification supports only a maximum of 199 vertices per polygon.


>>> circle = gdspy.Round((30, 5), 8)
>>> ell_ring = gdspy.Round((50, 5), (8, 7), inner_radius=(5, 4))
>>> pie_slice = gdspy.Round((30, 25), 8, initial_angle=0,
...                             final_angle=-5.0*numpy.pi/6.0)
>>> arc = gdspy.Round((50, 25), 8, inner_radius=5,
...                       initial_angle=-5.0*numpy.pi/6.0,
...                       final_angle=0)

Calculate the total area of this polygon set.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
fillet(radius, points_per_2pi=128, max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Round the corners of these polygons and fractures them into polygons with less vertices if necessary.

  • radius (number, array-like) – Radius of the corners. If number: all corners filleted by that amount. If array: specify fillet radii on a per-polygon basis (length must be equal to the number of polygons in this PolygonSet). Each element in the array can be a number (all corners filleted by the same amount) or another array of numbers, one per polygon vertex. Alternatively, the array can be flattened to have one radius per PolygonSet vertex.
  • points_per_2pi (integer) – Number of vertices used to approximate a full circle. The number of vertices in each corner of the polygon will be the fraction of this number corresponding to the angle encompassed by that corner with respect to 2 pi.
  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5, otherwise the resulting polygon is not fractured).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates in case of fracturing.

out – This object.

Return type:


fracture(max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Slice these polygons in the horizontal and vertical directions so that each resulting piece has at most max_points. This operation occurs in place.

  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5 for the fracture to occur).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:



Calculate the bounding box of the polygons.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this polygon in the form [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the polygon is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
mirror(p1, p2=(0, 0))

Mirror the polygons over a line through points 1 and 2

  • p1 (array-like[2]) – first point defining the reflection line
  • p2 (array-like[2]) – second point defining the reflection line

out – This object.

Return type:


rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this object.

  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation (in radians).
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the rotation.

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scalex, scaley=None, center=(0, 0))

Scale this object.

  • scalex (number) – Scaling factor along the first axis.
  • scaley (number or None) – Scaling factor along the second axis. If None, same as scalex.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:


to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this polygon.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:



class gdspy.Text(text, size, position=(0, 0), horizontal=True, angle=0, layer=0, datatype=0)

Bases: gdspy.polygon.PolygonSet

Polygonal text object.

Each letter is formed by a series of polygons.

  • text (string) – The text to be converted in geometric objects.
  • size (number) – Height of the character. The width of a character and the distance between characters are this value multiplied by 5 / 9 and 8 / 9, respectively. For vertical text, the distance is multiplied by 11 / 9.
  • position (array-like[2]) – Text position (lower left corner).
  • horizontal (bool) – If True, the text is written from left to right; if False, from top to bottom.
  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation of the text.
  • layer (integer) – The GDSII layer number for these elements.
  • datatype (integer) – The GDSII datatype for this element (between 0 and 255).


>>> text = gdspy.Text('Sample text', 20, (-10, -100))
>>> myCell.add(text)

Calculate the total area of this polygon set.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
fillet(radius, points_per_2pi=128, max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Round the corners of these polygons and fractures them into polygons with less vertices if necessary.

  • radius (number, array-like) – Radius of the corners. If number: all corners filleted by that amount. If array: specify fillet radii on a per-polygon basis (length must be equal to the number of polygons in this PolygonSet). Each element in the array can be a number (all corners filleted by the same amount) or another array of numbers, one per polygon vertex. Alternatively, the array can be flattened to have one radius per PolygonSet vertex.
  • points_per_2pi (integer) – Number of vertices used to approximate a full circle. The number of vertices in each corner of the polygon will be the fraction of this number corresponding to the angle encompassed by that corner with respect to 2 pi.
  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5, otherwise the resulting polygon is not fractured).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates in case of fracturing.

out – This object.

Return type:


fracture(max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Slice these polygons in the horizontal and vertical directions so that each resulting piece has at most max_points. This operation occurs in place.

  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5 for the fracture to occur).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:



Calculate the bounding box of the polygons.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this polygon in the form [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the polygon is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
mirror(p1, p2=(0, 0))

Mirror the polygons over a line through points 1 and 2

  • p1 (array-like[2]) – first point defining the reflection line
  • p2 (array-like[2]) – second point defining the reflection line

out – This object.

Return type:


rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this object.

  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation (in radians).
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the rotation.

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scalex, scaley=None, center=(0, 0))

Scale this object.

  • scalex (number) – Scaling factor along the first axis.
  • scaley (number or None) – Scaling factor along the second axis. If None, same as scalex.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:


to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this polygon.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:



class gdspy.Path(width, initial_point=(0, 0), number_of_paths=1, distance=0)

Bases: gdspy.polygon.PolygonSet

Series of geometric objects that form a path or a collection of parallel paths.

  • width (number) – The width of each path.
  • initial_point (array-like[2]) – Starting position of the path.
  • number_of_paths (positive integer) – Number of parallel paths to create simultaneously.
  • distance (number) – Distance between the centers of adjacent paths.
  • x (number) – Current position of the path in the x direction.
  • y (number) – Current position of the path in the y direction.
  • w (number) – Half-width of each path.
  • n (integer) – Number of parallel paths.
  • direction ('+x', '-x', '+y', '-y' or number) – Direction or angle (in radians) the path points to.
  • distance (number) – Distance between the centers of adjacent paths.
  • length (number) – Length of the central path axis. If only one path is created, this is the real length of the path.
  • properties ({integer: string} dictionary) – Properties for this path.
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this object.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:


rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this object.

  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation (in radians).
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the rotation.

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scalex, scaley=None, center=(0, 0))

Scale this object.

  • scalex (number) – Scaling factor along the first axis.
  • scaley (number or None) – Scaling factor along the second axis. If None, same as scalex.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:



The direction of the path is not modified by this method and its width is scaled only by scalex.

mirror(p1, p2=(0, 0))

Mirror the polygons over a line through points 1 and 2

  • p1 (array-like[2]) – first point defining the reflection line
  • p2 (array-like[2]) – second point defining the reflection line

out – This object.

Return type:


segment(length, direction=None, final_width=None, final_distance=None, axis_offset=0, layer=0, datatype=0)

Add a straight section to the path.

  • length (number) – Length of the section to add.
  • direction ('+x', '-x', '+y', '-y' or number) – Direction or angle (in radians) of rotation of the segment.
  • final_width (number) – If set, the paths of this segment will have their widths linearly changed from their current value to this one.
  • final_distance (number) – If set, the distance between paths is linearly change from its current value to this one along this segment.
  • axis_offset (number) – If set, the paths will be offset from their direction by this amount.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.

out – This object.

Return type:


arc(radius, initial_angle, final_angle, tolerance=0.01, number_of_points=None, max_points=199, final_width=None, final_distance=None, layer=0, datatype=0)

Add a curved section to the path.

  • radius (number) – Central radius of the section.
  • initial_angle (number) – Initial angle of the curve (in radians).
  • final_angle (number) – Final angle of the curve (in radians).
  • tolerance (float) – Approximate curvature resolution. The number of points is automatically calculated.
  • number_of_points (integer or None) – Manually define the number of vertices that form the object (polygonal approximation). Overrides tolerance.
  • max_points (integer) – If the number of points in the element is greater than max_points, it will be fractured in smaller polygons with at most max_points each. If max_points is zero no fracture will occur.
  • final_width (number) – If set, the paths of this segment will have their widths linearly changed from their current value to this one.
  • final_distance (number) – If set, the distance between paths is linearly change from its current value to this one along this segment.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.

out – This object.

Return type:



The original GDSII specification supports only a maximum of 199 vertices per polygon.

turn(radius, angle, tolerance=0.01, number_of_points=None, max_points=199, final_width=None, final_distance=None, layer=0, datatype=0)

Add a curved section to the path.

  • radius (number) – Central radius of the section.
  • angle ('r', 'l', 'rr', 'll' or number) – Angle (in radians) of rotation of the path. The values ‘r’ and ‘l’ represent 90-degree turns cw and ccw, respectively; the values ‘rr’ and ‘ll’ represent analogous 180-degree turns.
  • tolerance (float) – Approximate curvature resolution. The number of points is automatically calculated.
  • number_of_points (integer or None) – Manually define the number of vertices that form the object (polygonal approximation). Overrides tolerance.
  • max_points (integer) – If the number of points in the element is greater than max_points, it will be fractured in smaller polygons with at most max_points each. If max_points is zero no fracture will occur.
  • final_width (number) – If set, the paths of this segment will have their widths linearly changed from their current value to this one.
  • final_distance (number) – If set, the distance between paths is linearly change from its current value to this one along this segment.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.

out – This object.

Return type:



The original GDSII specification supports only a maximum of 199 vertices per polygon.

parametric(curve_function, curve_derivative=None, tolerance=0.01, number_of_evaluations=5, max_points=199, final_width=None, final_distance=None, relative=True, layer=0, datatype=0)

Add a parametric curve to the path.

curve_function will be evaluated uniformly in the interval [0, 1] at least number_of_points times. More points will be added to the curve at the midpoint between evaluations if that points presents error larger than tolerance.

  • curve_function (callable) – Function that defines the curve. Must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns a 2-element array with the coordinates of the curve.
  • curve_derivative (callable) – If set, it should be the derivative of the curve function. Must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns a 2-element array. If None, the derivative will be calculated numerically.
  • tolerance (number) – Acceptable tolerance for the approximation of the curve function by a finite number of evaluations.
  • number_of_evaluations (integer) – Initial number of points where the curve function will be evaluated. According to tolerance, more evaluations will be performed.
  • max_points (integer) – Elements will be fractured until each polygon has at most max_points. If max_points is less than 4, no fracture will occur.
  • final_width (number or function) – If set to a number, the paths of this segment will have their widths linearly changed from their current value to this one. If set to a function, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) and returns the width of the path.
  • final_distance (number or function) – If set to a number, the distance between paths is linearly change from its current value to this one. If set to a function, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) and returns the width of the path.
  • relative (bool) – If True, the return values of curve_function are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., to ensure a continuous path, curve_function(0) must be (0, 0). Otherwise, they are used as absolute coordinates.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.

out – This object.

Return type:



The norm of the vector returned by curve_derivative is not important. Only the direction is used.

The original GDSII specification supports only a maximum of 199 vertices per polygon.


>>> def my_parametric_curve(t):
...         return (2**t, t**2)
>>> def my_parametric_curve_derivative(t):
...         return (0.69315 * 2**t, 2 * t)
>>> my_path.parametric(my_parametric_curve,
...                    my_parametric_curve_derivative)
bezier(points, tolerance=0.01, number_of_evaluations=5, max_points=199, final_width=None, final_distance=None, relative=True, layer=0, datatype=0)

Add a Bezier curve to the path.

A Bezier curve is added to the path starting from its current position and finishing at the last point in the points array.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Control points defining the Bezier curve.
  • tolerance (number) – Acceptable tolerance for the approximation of the curve function by a finite number of evaluations.
  • number_of_evaluations (integer) – Initial number of points where the curve function will be evaluated. According to tolerance, more evaluations will be performed.
  • max_points (integer) – Elements will be fractured until each polygon has at most max_points. If max_points is zero no fracture will occur.
  • final_width (number or function) – If set to a number, the paths of this segment will have their widths linearly changed from their current value to this one. If set to a function, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) and returns the width of the path.
  • final_distance (number or function) – If set to a number, the distance between paths is linearly change from its current value to this one. If set to a function, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) and returns the width of the path.
  • relative (bool) – If True, all coordinates in the points array are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., if the path is at (1, -2) and the last point in the array is (10, 25), the constructed Bezier will end at (1 + 10, -2 + 25) = (11, 23). Otherwise, the points are used as absolute coordinates.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.

out – This object.

Return type:



The original GDSII specification supports only a maximum of 199 vertices per polygon.

smooth(points, angles=None, curl_start=1, curl_end=1, t_in=1, t_out=1, cycle=False, tolerance=0.01, number_of_evaluations=5, max_points=199, final_widths=None, final_distances=None, relative=True, layer=0, datatype=0)

Add a smooth interpolating curve through the given points.

Uses the Hobby algorithm [1]_ to calculate a smooth interpolating curve made of cubic Bezier segments between each pair of points.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Vertices in the interpolating curve.
  • angles (array-like[N + 1] or None) – Tangent angles at each point (in radians). Any angles defined as None are automatically calculated.
  • curl_start (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the first point and at its neighbor. A value of 1 renders the first segment a good approximation for a circular arc. A value of 0 will better approximate a straight segment. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • curl_end (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the last point and at its neighbor. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • t_in (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when arriving at each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • t_out (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when leaving each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • cycle (bool) – If True, calculates control points for a closed curve, with an additional segment connecting the first and last points.
  • tolerance (number) – Acceptable tolerance for the approximation of the curve function by a finite number of evaluations.
  • number_of_evaluations (integer) – Initial number of points where the curve function will be evaluated. According to tolerance, more evaluations will be performed.
  • max_points (integer) – Elements will be fractured until each polygon has at most max_points. If max_points is zero no fracture will occur.
  • final_widths (array-like[M]) – Each element corresponds to the final width of a segment in the whole curve. If an element is a number, the paths of this segment will have their widths linearly changed to this value. If a function, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) and returns the width of the path. The length of the array must be equal to the number of segments in the curve, i.e., M = N - 1 for an open curve and M = N for a closed one.
  • final_distances (array-like[M]) – Each element corresponds to the final distance between paths of a segment in the whole curve. If an element is a number, the distance between paths is linearly change to this value. If a function, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) and returns the width of the path. The length of the array must be equal to the number of segments in the curve, i.e., M = N - 1 for an open curve and M = N for a closed one.
  • relative (bool) – If True, all coordinates in the points array are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., if the path is at (1, -2) and the last point in the array is (10, 25), the constructed curve will end at (1 + 10, -2 + 25) = (11, 23). Otherwise, the points are used as absolute coordinates.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.

out – This object.

Return type:



The original GDSII specification supports only a maximum of 199 vertices per polygon.


[1]Hobby, J.D. Discrete Comput. Geom. (1986) 1: 123. DOI: 10.1007/BF02187690

Calculate the total area of this polygon set.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
fillet(radius, points_per_2pi=128, max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Round the corners of these polygons and fractures them into polygons with less vertices if necessary.

  • radius (number, array-like) – Radius of the corners. If number: all corners filleted by that amount. If array: specify fillet radii on a per-polygon basis (length must be equal to the number of polygons in this PolygonSet). Each element in the array can be a number (all corners filleted by the same amount) or another array of numbers, one per polygon vertex. Alternatively, the array can be flattened to have one radius per PolygonSet vertex.
  • points_per_2pi (integer) – Number of vertices used to approximate a full circle. The number of vertices in each corner of the polygon will be the fraction of this number corresponding to the angle encompassed by that corner with respect to 2 pi.
  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5, otherwise the resulting polygon is not fractured).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates in case of fracturing.

out – This object.

Return type:


fracture(max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Slice these polygons in the horizontal and vertical directions so that each resulting piece has at most max_points. This operation occurs in place.

  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5 for the fracture to occur).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:



Calculate the bounding box of the polygons.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this polygon in the form [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the polygon is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.


class gdspy.PolyPath(points, width, number_of_paths=1, distance=0, corners='miter', ends='flush', max_points=199, layer=0, datatype=0)

Bases: gdspy.polygon.PolygonSet

Series of geometric objects that form a polygonal path or a collection of parallel polygonal paths.

Deprecated since version 1.4: PolyPath is deprecated in favor of FlexPath and will be removed in a future version of Gdspy.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Points along the center of the path.
  • width (number or array-like[N]) – Width of the path. If an array is given, width at each endpoint.
  • number_of_paths (positive integer) – Number of parallel paths to create simultaneously.
  • distance (number or array-like[N]) – Distance between the centers of adjacent paths. If an array is given, distance at each endpoint.
  • corners ('miter' or 'bevel') – Type of joins.
  • ends ('flush', 'round', 'extended') – Type of end caps for the paths.
  • max_points (integer) – The paths will be fractured in polygons with at most max_points (must be at least 4). If max_points is zero no fracture will occur.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.


The bevel join will give strange results if the number of paths is greater than 1.


Calculate the total area of this polygon set.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
fillet(radius, points_per_2pi=128, max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Round the corners of these polygons and fractures them into polygons with less vertices if necessary.

  • radius (number, array-like) – Radius of the corners. If number: all corners filleted by that amount. If array: specify fillet radii on a per-polygon basis (length must be equal to the number of polygons in this PolygonSet). Each element in the array can be a number (all corners filleted by the same amount) or another array of numbers, one per polygon vertex. Alternatively, the array can be flattened to have one radius per PolygonSet vertex.
  • points_per_2pi (integer) – Number of vertices used to approximate a full circle. The number of vertices in each corner of the polygon will be the fraction of this number corresponding to the angle encompassed by that corner with respect to 2 pi.
  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5, otherwise the resulting polygon is not fractured).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates in case of fracturing.

out – This object.

Return type:


fracture(max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Slice these polygons in the horizontal and vertical directions so that each resulting piece has at most max_points. This operation occurs in place.

  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5 for the fracture to occur).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:



Calculate the bounding box of the polygons.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this polygon in the form [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the polygon is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
mirror(p1, p2=(0, 0))

Mirror the polygons over a line through points 1 and 2

  • p1 (array-like[2]) – first point defining the reflection line
  • p2 (array-like[2]) – second point defining the reflection line

out – This object.

Return type:


rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this object.

  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation (in radians).
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the rotation.

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scalex, scaley=None, center=(0, 0))

Scale this object.

  • scalex (number) – Scaling factor along the first axis.
  • scaley (number or None) – Scaling factor along the second axis. If None, same as scalex.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:


to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this polygon.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:



class gdspy.L1Path(initial_point, direction, width, length, turn, number_of_paths=1, distance=0, max_points=199, layer=0, datatype=0)

Bases: gdspy.polygon.PolygonSet

Series of geometric objects that form a path or a collection of parallel paths with Manhattan geometry.

Deprecated since version 1.4: L1Path is deprecated in favor of FlexPath and will be removed in a future version of Gdspy.

  • initial_point (array-like[2]) – Starting position of the path.
  • direction ('+x', '+y', '-x', '-y') – Starting direction of the path.
  • width (number) – The initial width of each path.
  • length (array-like) – Lengths of each section to add.
  • turn (array-like) – Direction to turn before each section. The sign indicate the turn direction (ccw is positive), and the modulus is a multiplicative factor for the path width after each turn. Must have 1 element less then length.
  • number_of_paths (positive integer) – Number of parallel paths to create simultaneously.
  • distance (number) – Distance between the centers of adjacent paths.
  • max_points (integer) – The paths will be fractured in polygons with at most max_points (must be at least 6). If max_points is zero no fracture will occur.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • x (number) – Final position of the path in the x direction.
  • y (number) – Final position of the path in the y direction.
  • direction ('+x', '-x', '+y', '-y' or number) – Direction or angle (in radians) the path points to. The numerical angle is returned only after a rotation of the object.
  • properties ({integer: string} dictionary) – Properties for this path.


>>> length = [10, 30, 15, 15, 15, 15, 10]
>>> turn = [1, -1, -1, 3, -1, 1]
>>> l1path = gdspy.L1Path((0, 0), '+x', 2, length, turn)
>>> myCell.add(l1path)
rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this object. :param angle: The angle of rotation (in radians). :type angle: number :param center: Center point for the rotation. :type center: array-like[2]

Returns:out – This object.
Return type:L1Path

Calculate the total area of this polygon set.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
fillet(radius, points_per_2pi=128, max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Round the corners of these polygons and fractures them into polygons with less vertices if necessary.

  • radius (number, array-like) – Radius of the corners. If number: all corners filleted by that amount. If array: specify fillet radii on a per-polygon basis (length must be equal to the number of polygons in this PolygonSet). Each element in the array can be a number (all corners filleted by the same amount) or another array of numbers, one per polygon vertex. Alternatively, the array can be flattened to have one radius per PolygonSet vertex.
  • points_per_2pi (integer) – Number of vertices used to approximate a full circle. The number of vertices in each corner of the polygon will be the fraction of this number corresponding to the angle encompassed by that corner with respect to 2 pi.
  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5, otherwise the resulting polygon is not fractured).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates in case of fracturing.

out – This object.

Return type:


fracture(max_points=199, precision=0.001)

Slice these polygons in the horizontal and vertical directions so that each resulting piece has at most max_points. This operation occurs in place.

  • max_points (integer) – Maximal number of points in each resulting polygon (at least 5 for the fracture to occur).
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:



Calculate the bounding box of the polygons.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this polygon in the form [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the polygon is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
mirror(p1, p2=(0, 0))

Mirror the polygons over a line through points 1 and 2

  • p1 (array-like[2]) – first point defining the reflection line
  • p2 (array-like[2]) – second point defining the reflection line

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scalex, scaley=None, center=(0, 0))

Scale this object.

  • scalex (number) – Scaling factor along the first axis.
  • scaley (number or None) – Scaling factor along the second axis. If None, same as scalex.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:


to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this polygon.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:



class gdspy.FlexPath(points, width, offset=0, corners='natural', ends='flush', bend_radius=None, tolerance=0.01, precision=0.001, max_points=199, gdsii_path=False, width_transform=True, layer=0, datatype=0)

Bases: object

Path object.

This class keeps information about the constructive parameters of the path and calculates its boundaries only upon request.

It can be stored as a proper path element in the GDSII format, unlike Path. In this case, the width must be constant along the whole path.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Points along the center of the path.
  • width (number, list) – Width of each parallel path being created. The number of parallel paths being created is defined by the length of this list.
  • offset (number, list) – Offsets of each parallel path from the center. If width is not a list, the length of this list is used to determine the number of parallel paths being created. Otherwise, offset must be a list with the same length as width, or a number, which is used as distance between adjacent paths.
  • corners ('natural', 'miter', 'bevel', 'round', 'smooth', 'circular bend', callable, list) – Type of joins. A callable must receive 6 arguments (vertex and direction vector from both segments being joined, the center and width of the path) and return a list of vertices that make the join. A list can be used to define the join for each parallel path.
  • ends ('flush', 'extended', 'round', 'smooth', 2-tuple, callable, list) – Type of end caps for the paths. A 2-element tuple represents the start and end extensions to the paths. A callable must receive 4 arguments (vertex and direction vectors from both sides of the path and return a list of vertices that make the end cap. A list can be used to define the end type for each parallel path.
  • bend_radius (number, list) – Bend radii for each path when corners is ‘circular bend’. It has no effect for other corner types.
  • tolerance (number) – Tolerance used to draw the paths and calculate joins.
  • precision (number) – Precision for rounding the coordinates of vertices when fracturing the final polygonal boundary.
  • max_points (integer) – If the number of points in the polygonal path boundary is greater than max_points, it will be fractured in smaller polygons with at most max_points each. If max_points is zero no fracture will occur.
  • gdsii_path (bool) – If True, treat this object as a GDSII path element. Otherwise, it will be converted into polygonal boundaries when required.
  • width_transform (bool) – If gdsii_path is True, this flag indicates whether the width of the path should transform when scaling this object. It has no effect when gdsii_path is False.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.

properties ({integer: string} dictionary) – Properties for these elements.


The value of tolerance should not be smaller than precision, otherwise there would be wasted computational effort in calculating the paths.


Calculate the polygonal boundaries described by this path.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with the polygons of each individual pair (layer, datatype).
Returns:out – List containing the coordinates of the vertices of each polygon, or dictionary with the list of polygons (if by_spec is True).
Return type:list of array-like[N][2] or dictionary

Create a PolygonSet representation of this object.

The resulting object will be fractured according to the parameter max_points used when instantiating this object.

Returns:out – A PolygonSet that contains all boundaries for this path. If the path is empty, returns None.
Return type:PolygonSet or None
to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

If FlexPath.gdsii_path is True, GDSII path elements are created instead of boundaries. Such paths do not support variable widths, but their memeory footprint is smaller than full polygonal boundaries.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.

Calculate the total area of this object.

This functions creates a PolgonSet from this object and calculates its area, which means it is computationally expensive.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this path.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction

out – This object.

Return type:


rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this path.

  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation (in radians).
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the rotation.

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scale, center=(0, 0))

Scale this path.

  • scale (number) – Scaling factor.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:



If width_transform is False, the widths are not scaled.

transform(translation, rotation, scale, x_reflection, array_trans=None)

Apply a transform to this path.

  • translation (Numpy array[2]) – Translation vector.
  • rotation (number) – Rotation angle.
  • scale (number) – Scaling factor.
  • x_reflection (bool) – Reflection around the first axis.
  • array_trans (Numpy array[2]) – Translation vector before rotation and reflection.

out – This object.

Return type:



Applies the transformations in the same order as a CellReference or a CellArray. If width_transform is False, the widths are not scaled.

segment(end_point, width=None, offset=None, relative=False)

Add a straight section to the path.

  • end_point (array-like[2]) – End position of the straight segment.
  • width (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. A list can be used where each element defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object. This argument has no effect if the path was created with gdsii_path True.
  • offset (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). A list can be used where each element defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • relative (bool) – If True, end_point is used as an offset from the current path position, i.e., if the path is at (1, -2) and the end_point is (10, 25), the segment will be constructed from (1, -2) to (1 + 10, -2 + 25) = (11, 23). Otherwise, end_point is used as an absolute coordinate.

out – This object.

Return type:


arc(radius, initial_angle, final_angle, width=None, offset=None)

Add a circular arc section to the path.

  • radius (number) – Radius of the circular arc.
  • initial_angle (number) – Initial angle of the arc.
  • final_angle (number) – Final angle of the arc.
  • width (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. A list can be used where each element defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object. This argument has no effect if the path was created with gdsii_path True.
  • offset (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). A list can be used where each element defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.

out – This object.

Return type:


turn(radius, angle, width=None, offset=None)

Add a circular turn to the path.

The initial angle of the arc is calculated from the last path segment.

  • radius (number) – Radius of the circular arc.
  • angle ('r', 'l', 'rr', 'll' or number) – Angle (in radians) of rotation of the path. The values ‘r’ and ‘l’ represent 90-degree turns cw and ccw, respectively; the values ‘rr’ and ‘ll’ represent analogous 180-degree turns.
  • width (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. A list can be used where each element defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object. This argument has no effect if the path was created with gdsii_path True.
  • offset (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). A list can be used where each element defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.

out – This object.

Return type:


parametric(curve_function, width=None, offset=None, relative=True)

Add a parametric curve to the path.

  • curve_function (callable) – Function that defines the curve. Must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns a 2-element Numpy array with the coordinates of the curve.
  • width (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. A list can be used where each element defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object. This argument has no effect if the path was created with gdsii_path True.
  • offset (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). A list can be used where each element defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • relative (bool) – If True, the return values of curve_function are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., to ensure a continuous path, curve_function(0) must be (0, 0). Otherwise, they are used as absolute coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:


bezier(points, width=None, offset=None, relative=True)

Add a Bezier curve to the path.

A Bezier curve is added to the path starting from its current position and finishing at the last point in the points array.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Control points defining the Bezier curve.
  • width (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. A list can be used where each element defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object. This argument has no effect if the path was created with gdsii_path True.
  • offset (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). A list can be used where each element defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • relative (bool) – If True, all coordinates in the points array are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., if the path is at (1, -2) and the last point in the array is (10, 25), the constructed Bezier will end at (1 + 10, -2 + 25) = (11, 23). Otherwise, the points are used as absolute coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:


smooth(points, angles=None, curl_start=1, curl_end=1, t_in=1, t_out=1, cycle=False, width=None, offset=None, relative=True)

Add a smooth interpolating curve through the given points.

Uses the Hobby algorithm [1]_ to calculate a smooth interpolating curve made of cubic Bezier segments between each pair of points.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Vertices in the interpolating curve.
  • angles (array-like[N + 1] or None) – Tangent angles at each point (in radians). Any angles defined as None are automatically calculated.
  • curl_start (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the first point and at its neighbor. A value of 1 renders the first segment a good approximation for a circular arc. A value of 0 will better approximate a straight segment. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • curl_end (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the last point and at its neighbor. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • t_in (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when arriving at each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • t_out (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when leaving each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • cycle (bool) – If True, calculates control points for a closed curve, with an additional segment connecting the first and last points.
  • width (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. A list can be used where each element defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object. This argument has no effect if the path was created with gdsii_path True.
  • offset (number, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). A list can be used where each element defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • relative (bool) – If True, all coordinates in the points array are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., if the path is at (1, -2) and the last point in the array is (10, 25), the constructed curve will end at (1 + 10, -2 + 25) = (11, 23). Otherwise, the points are used as absolute coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:



Arguments width and offset are repeated for each cubic Bezier that composes this path element.


[1]Hobby, J.D. Discrete Comput. Geom. (1986) 1: 123. DOI: 10.1007/BF02187690


class gdspy.RobustPath(initial_point, width, offset=0, ends='flush', tolerance=0.01, precision=0.001, max_points=199, max_evals=1000, gdsii_path=False, width_transform=True, layer=0, datatype=0)

Bases: object

Path object with lazy evaluation.

This class keeps information about the constructive parameters of the path and calculates its boundaries only upon request. The benefits are that joins and path components can be calculated automatically to ensure continuity (except in extreme cases).

It can be stored as a proper path element in the GDSII format, unlike Path. In this case, the width must be constant along the whole path.

The downside of RobustPath is that it is more computationally expensive than the other path classes.

  • initial_point (array-like[2]) – Starting position of the path.
  • width (number, list) – Width of each parallel path being created. The number of parallel paths being created is defined by the length of this list.
  • offset (number, list) – Offsets of each parallel path from the center. If width is not a list, the length of this list is used to determine the number of parallel paths being created. Otherwise, offset must be a list with the same length as width, or a number, which is used as distance between adjacent paths.
  • ends ('flush', 'extended', 'round', 'smooth', 2-tuple, list) – Type of end caps for the paths. A 2-element tuple represents the start and end extensions to the paths. A list can be used to define the end type for each parallel path.
  • tolerance (number) – Tolerance used to draw the paths and calculate joins.
  • precision (number) – Precision for rounding the coordinates of vertices when fracturing the final polygonal boundary.
  • max_points (integer) – If the number of points in the polygonal path boundary is greater than max_points, it will be fractured in smaller polygons with at most max_points each. If max_points is zero no fracture will occur.
  • max_evals (integer) – Limit to the maximal number of evaluations when calculating each path component.
  • gdsii_path (bool) – If True, treat this object as a GDSII path element. Otherwise, it will be converted into polygonal boundaries when required.
  • width_transform (bool) – If gdsii_path is True, this flag indicates whether the width of the path should transform when scaling this object. It has no effect when gdsii_path is False.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements of each path. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the elements of each path (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of paths, the list is repeated.

properties ({integer: string} dictionary) – Properties for these elements.


The value of tolerance should not be smaller than precision, otherwise there would be wasted computational effort in calculating the paths.

grad(u, arm=0, side='-')

Calculate the direction vector of each parallel path.

  • u (number) – Position along the RobustPath to compute. This argument can range from 0 (start of the path) to len(self) (end of the path).
  • arm (-1, 0, 1) – Wether to calculate one of the path boundaries (-1 or 1) or its central spine (0).
  • side ('-' or '+') – At path joins, whether to calculate the direction using the component before or after the join.

out – Direction vectors for each of the N parallel paths in this object.

Return type:

Numpy array[N, 2]


Calculate the width of each parallel path.

Parameters:u (number) – Position along the RobustPath to compute. This argument can range from 0 (start of the path) to len(self) (end of the path).
Returns:out – Width for each of the N parallel paths in this object.
Return type:Numpy array[N]

Calculate the polygonal boundaries described by this path.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with the polygons of each individual pair (layer, datatype).
Returns:out – List containing the coordinates of the vertices of each polygon, or dictionary with the list of polygons (if by_spec is True).
Return type:list of array-like[N][2] or dictionary

Create a PolygonSet representation of this object.

The resulting object will be fractured according to the parameter max_points used when instantiating this object.

Returns:out – A PolygonSet that contains all boundaries for this path. If the path is empty, returns None.
Return type:PolygonSet or None
to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a series of GDSII elements.

If RobustPath.gdsii_path is True, GDSII path elements are created instead of boundaries. Such paths do not support variable widths, but their memeory footprint is smaller than full polygonal boundaries.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII elements.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.

Calculate the total area of this object.

This functions creates a PolgonSet from this object and calculates its area, which means it is computationally expensive.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with {(layer, datatype): area}.
Returns:out – Area of this object.
Return type:number, dictionary
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this path.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction

out – This object.

Return type:


rotate(angle, center=(0, 0))

Rotate this path.

  • angle (number) – The angle of rotation (in radians).
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the rotation.

out – This object.

Return type:


scale(scale, center=(0, 0))

Scale this path.

  • scale (number) – Scaling factor.
  • center (array-like[2]) – Center point for the scaling operation.

out – This object.

Return type:



If width_transform is False, the widths are not scaled.

transform(translation, rotation, scale, x_reflection, array_trans=None)

Apply a transform to this path.

  • translation (Numpy array[2]) – Translation vector.
  • rotation (number) – Rotation angle.
  • scale (number) – Scaling factor.
  • x_reflection (bool) – Reflection around the first axis.
  • array_trans (Numpy array[2]) – Translation vector before rotation and reflection.

out – This object.

Return type:



Applies the transformations in the same order as a CellReference or a CellArray. If width_transform is False, the widths are not scaled.

segment(end_point, width=None, offset=None, relative=False)

Add a straight section to the path.

  • end_point (array-like[2]) – End position of the straight segment.
  • width (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the width of the path. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • offset (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the offset increase. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • relative (bool) – If True, end_point is used as an offset from the current path position, i.e., if the path is at (1, -2) and the end_point is (10, 25), the segment will be constructed from (1, -2) to (1 + 10, -2 + 25) = (11, 23). Otherwise, end_point is used as an absolute coordinate.

out – This object.

Return type:


arc(radius, initial_angle, final_angle, width=None, offset=None)

Add a circular arc section to the path.

  • radius (number) – Radius of the circular arc.
  • initial_angle (number) – Initial angle of the arc.
  • final_angle (number) – Final angle of the arc.
  • width (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the width of the path. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • offset (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the offset increase. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.

out – This object.

Return type:


turn(radius, angle, width=None, offset=None)

Add a circular turn to the path.

The initial angle of the arc is calculated from an average of the current directions of all parallel paths in this object.

  • radius (number) – Radius of the circular arc.
  • angle ('r', 'l', 'rr', 'll' or number) – Angle (in radians) of rotation of the path. The values ‘r’ and ‘l’ represent 90-degree turns cw and ccw, respectively; the values ‘rr’ and ‘ll’ represent analogous 180-degree turns.
  • width (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the width of the path. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • offset (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the offset increase. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.

out – This object.

Return type:


parametric(curve_function, curve_derivative=None, width=None, offset=None, relative=True)

Add a parametric curve to the path.

  • curve_function (callable) – Function that defines the curve. Must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns a 2-element Numpy array with the coordinates of the curve.
  • curve_derivative (callable) – If set, it should be the derivative of the curve function. Must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns a 2-element Numpy array. If None, the derivative will be calculated numerically.
  • width (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the width of the path. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • offset (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the offset increase. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • relative (bool) – If True, the return values of curve_function are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., to ensure a continuous path, curve_function(0) must be (0, 0). Otherwise, they are used as absolute coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:


bezier(points, width=None, offset=None, relative=True)

Add a Bezier curve to the path.

A Bezier curve is added to the path starting from its current position and finishing at the last point in the points array.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Control points defining the Bezier curve.
  • width (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the width of the path. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • offset (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the offset increase. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • relative (bool) – If True, all coordinates in the points array are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., if the path is at (1, -2) and the last point in the array is (10, 25), the constructed Bezier will end at (1 + 10, -2 + 25) = (11, 23). Otherwise, the points are used as absolute coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:


smooth(points, angles=None, curl_start=1, curl_end=1, t_in=1, t_out=1, cycle=False, width=None, offset=None, relative=True)

Add a smooth interpolating curve through the given points.

Uses the Hobby algorithm [1]_ to calculate a smooth interpolating curve made of cubic Bezier segments between each pair of points.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Vertices in the interpolating curve.
  • angles (array-like[N + 1] or None) – Tangent angles at each point (in radians). Any angles defined as None are automatically calculated.
  • curl_start (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the first point and at its neighbor. A value of 1 renders the first segment a good approximation for a circular arc. A value of 0 will better approximate a straight segment. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • curl_end (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the last point and at its neighbor. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • t_in (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when arriving at each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • t_out (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when leaving each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • cycle (bool) – If True, calculates control points for a closed curve, with an additional segment connecting the first and last points.
  • width (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths are linearly tapered to this width along the segment. If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the width of the path. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the width for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • offset (number, callable, list) – If a number, all parallel paths offsets are linearly increased by this amount (which can be negative). If this is callable, it must be a function of one argument (that varies from 0 to 1) that returns the offset increase. A list can be used where each element (number or callable) defines the absolute offset (not offset increase) for one of the parallel paths in this object.
  • relative (bool) – If True, all coordinates in the points array are used as offsets from the current path position, i.e., if the path is at (1, -2) and the last point in the array is (10, 25), the constructed curve will end at (1 + 10, -2 + 25) = (11, 23). Otherwise, the points are used as absolute coordinates.

out – This object.

Return type:



Arguments width and offset are repeated for each cubic Bezier that composes this path element.


[1]Hobby, J.D. Discrete Comput. Geom. (1986) 1: 123. DOI: 10.1007/BF02187690


class gdspy.Curve(x, y=0, tolerance=0.01)

Bases: object

Generation of curves loosely based on SVG paths.

Short summary of available methods:

Method Primitive
L/l Line segments
H/h Horizontal line segments
V/v Vertical line segments
C/c Cubic Bezier curve
S/s Smooth cubic Bezier curve
Q/q Quadratic Bezier curve
T/t Smooth quadratic Bezier curve
B/b General degree Bezier curve
I/i Smooth interpolating curve
arc Elliptical arc

The uppercase version of the methods considers that all coordinates are absolute, whereas the lowercase considers that they are relative to the current end point of the curve.

  • x (number) – X-coordinate of the starting point of the curve. If this is a complex number, the value of y is ignored and the starting point becomes (x.real, x.imag).
  • y (number) – Y-coordinate of the starting point of the curve.
  • tolerance (number) – Tolerance used to calculate a polygonal approximation to the curve.


In all methods of this class that accept coordinate pairs, a single complex number can be passed to be split into its real and imaginary parts. This feature can be useful in expressing coordinates in polar form.

All commands follow the SVG 2 specification, except for elliptical arcs and smooth interpolating curves, which are inspired by the Metapost syntax.


>>> curve = gdspy.Curve(3, 4).H(1).q(0.5, 1, 2j).L(2 + 3j, 2, 2)
>>> pol = gdspy.Polygon(curve.get_points())

Get the polygonal points that approximate this curve.

Returns:out – Vertices of the polygon.
Return type:Numpy array[N, 2]

Add straight line segments to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Endpoint coordinates of the line segments.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add straight line segments to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Endpoint coordinates of the line segments relative to the current end point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add horizontal line segments to the curve.

Parameters:x (numbers) – Endpoint x-coordinates of the line segments.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add horizontal line segments to the curve.

Parameters:x (numbers) – Endpoint x-coordinates of the line segments relative to the current end point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add vertical line segments to the curve.

Parameters:y (numbers) – Endpoint y-coordinates of the line segments.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add vertical line segments to the curve.

Parameters:y (numbers) – Endpoint y-coordinates of the line segments relative to the current end point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve
arc(radius, initial_angle, final_angle, rotation=0)

Add an elliptical arc to the curve.

  • radius (number, array-like[2]) – Arc radius. An elliptical arc can be created by passing an array with 2 radii.
  • initial_angle (number) – Initial angle of the arc (in radians).
  • final_angle (number) – Final angle of the arc (in radians).
  • rotation (number) – Rotation of the axis of the ellipse.

out – This curve.

Return type:



Add cubic Bezier curves to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinate pairs. Each set of 3 pairs are interpreted as the control point at the beginning of the curve, the control point at the end of the curve and the endpoint of the curve.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add cubic Bezier curves to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinate pairs. Each set of 3 pairs are interpreted as the control point at the beginning of the curve, the control point at the end of the curve and the endpoint of the curve. All coordinates are relative to the current end point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add smooth cubic Bezier curves to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinate pairs. Each set of 2 pairs are interpreted as the control point at the end of the curve and the endpoint of the curve. The control point at the beginning of the curve is assumed to be the reflection of the control point at the end of the last curve relative to the starting point of the curve. If the previous curve is not a cubic Bezier, the control point is coincident with the starting point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add smooth cubic Bezier curves to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinate pairs. Each set of 2 pairs are interpreted as the control point at the end of the curve and the endpoint of the curve. The control point at the beginning of the curve is assumed to be the reflection of the control point at the end of the last curve relative to the starting point of the curve. If the previous curve is not a cubic Bezier, the control point is coincident with the starting point. All coordinates are relative to the current end point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add quadratic Bezier curves to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinate pairs. Each set of 2 pairs are interpreted as the control point and the endpoint of the curve.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add quadratic Bezier curves to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinate pairs. Each set of 2 pairs are interpreted as the control point and the endpoint of the curve. All coordinates are relative to the current end point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add smooth quadratic Bezier curves to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinates of the endpoints of the curves. The control point is assumed to be the reflection of the control point of the last curve relative to the starting point of the curve. If the previous curve is not a quadratic Bezier, the control point is coincident with the starting point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add smooth quadratic Bezier curves to the curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinates of the endpoints of the curves. The control point is assumed to be the reflection of the control point of the last curve relative to the starting point of the curve. If the previous curve is not a quadratic Bezier, the control point is coincident with the starting point. All coordinates are relative to the current end point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add a general degree Bezier curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinate pairs. The last coordinate is the endpoint of curve and all other are control points.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve

Add a general degree Bezier curve.

Parameters:xy (numbers) – Coordinate pairs. The last coordinate is the endpoint of curve and all other are control points. All coordinates are relative to the current end point.
Returns:out – This curve.
Return type:Curve
I(points, angles=None, curl_start=1, curl_end=1, t_in=1, t_out=1, cycle=False)

Add a smooth interpolating curve through the given points.

Uses the Hobby algorithm [1]_ to calculate a smooth interpolating curve made of cubic Bezier segments between each pair of points.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Vertices in the interpolating curve.
  • angles (array-like[N + 1] or None) – Tangent angles at each point (in radians). Any angles defined as None are automatically calculated.
  • curl_start (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the first point and at its neighbor. A value of 1 renders the first segment a good approximation for a circular arc. A value of 0 will better approximate a straight segment. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • curl_end (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the last point and at its neighbor. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • t_in (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when arriving at each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • t_out (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when leaving each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • cycle (bool) – If True, calculates control points for a closed curve, with an additional segment connecting the first and last points.

out – This curve.

Return type:



>>> c1 = gdspy.Curve(0, 1).I([(1, 1), (2, 1), (1, 0)])
>>> c2 = gdspy.Curve(0, 2).I([(1, 2), (2, 2), (1, 1)],
...                          cycle=True)
>>> ps = gdspy.PolygonSet([c1.get_points(), c2.get_points()])


[1]Hobby, J.D. Discrete Comput. Geom. (1986) 1: 123. DOI: 10.1007/BF02187690
i(points, angles=None, curl_start=1, curl_end=1, t_in=1, t_out=1, cycle=False)

Add a smooth interpolating curve through the given points.

Uses the Hobby algorithm [1]_ to calculate a smooth interpolating curve made of cubic Bezier segments between each pair of points.

  • points (array-like[N][2]) – Vertices in the interpolating curve (relative to the current endpoint).
  • angles (array-like[N + 1] or None) – Tangent angles at each point (in radians). Any angles defined as None are automatically calculated.
  • curl_start (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the first point and at its neighbor. A value of 1 renders the first segment a good approximation for a circular arc. A value of 0 will better approximate a straight segment. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • curl_end (number) – Ratio between the mock curvatures at the last point and at its neighbor. It has no effect for closed curves or when an angle is defined for the first point.
  • t_in (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when arriving at each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • t_out (number or array-like[N + 1]) – Tension parameter when leaving each point. One value per point or a single value used for all points.
  • cycle (bool) – If True, calculates control points for a closed curve, with an additional segment connecting the first and last points.

out – This curve.

Return type:



>>> c1 = gdspy.Curve(0, 1).i([(1, 0), (2, 0), (1, -1)])
>>> c2 = gdspy.Curve(0, 2).i([(1, 0), (2, 0), (1, -1)],
...                          cycle=True)
>>> ps = gdspy.PolygonSet([c1.get_points(), c2.get_points()])


[1]Hobby, J.D. Discrete Comput. Geom. (1986) 1: 123. DOI: 10.1007/BF02187690


class gdspy.Label(text, position, anchor='o', rotation=None, magnification=None, x_reflection=False, layer=0, texttype=0)

Bases: object

Text that can be used to label parts of the geometry or display messages. The text does not create additional geometry, it’s meant for display and labeling purposes only.

  • text (string) – The text of this label.
  • position (array-like[2]) – Text anchor position.
  • anchor ('n', 's', 'e', 'w', 'o', 'ne', 'nw'...) – Position of the anchor relative to the text.
  • rotation (number) – Angle of rotation of the label (in degrees).
  • magnification (number) – Magnification factor for the label.
  • x_reflection (bool) – If True, the label is reflected parallel to the x direction before being rotated (not supported by LayoutViewer).
  • layer (integer) – The GDSII layer number for these elements.
  • texttype (integer) – The GDSII text type for the label (between 0 and 63).
  • text (string) – The text of this label.
  • position (array-like[2]) – Text anchor position.
  • anchor (int) – Position of the anchor relative to the text.
  • rotation (number) – Angle of rotation of the label (in degrees).
  • magnification (number) – Magnification factor for the label.
  • x_reflection (bool) – If True, the label is reflected parallel to the x direction before being rotated (not supported by LayoutViewer).
  • layer (integer) – The GDSII layer number for these elements.
  • texttype (integer) – The GDSII text type for the label (between 0 and 63).
  • properties ({integer: string} dictionary) – Properties for these elements.


>>> label = gdspy.Label('Sample label', (10, 0), 'sw')
>>> myCell.add(label)
to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this label to a GDSII structure.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII structure.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this label.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction

out – This object.

Return type:



>>> text = gdspy.Label((0, 0), (10, 20))
>>> text = text.translate(2, 0)
>>> myCell.add(text)


gdspy.boolean(operand1, operand2, operation, precision=0.001, max_points=199, layer=0, datatype=0)

Execute any boolean operation between 2 polygons or polygon sets.

  • operand1 (PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray or iterable) – First operand. If this is an iterable, each element must be a PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray, or an array-like[N][2] of vertices of a polygon.
  • operand2 (None, PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray or iterable) – Second operand. If this is an iterable, each element must be a PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray, or an array-like[N][2] of vertices of a polygon.
  • operation ({'or', 'and', 'xor', 'not'}) – Boolean operation to be executed. The ‘not’ operation returns the difference operand1 - operand2.
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.
  • max_points (integer) – If greater than 4, fracture the resulting polygons to ensure they have at most max_points vertices. This is not a tessellating function, so this number should be as high as possible. For example, it should be set to 199 for polygons being drawn in GDSII files.
  • layer (integer) – The GDSII layer number for the resulting element.
  • datatype (integer) – The GDSII datatype for the resulting element (between 0 and 255).

out – Result of the boolean operation.

Return type:

PolygonSet or None


gdspy.offset(polygons, distance, join='miter', tolerance=2, precision=0.001, join_first=False, max_points=199, layer=0, datatype=0)

Shrink or expand a polygon or polygon set.

  • polygons (PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray or iterable) – Polygons to be offset. If this is an iterable, each element must be a PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray, or an array-like[N][2] of vertices of a polygon.
  • distance (number) – Offset distance. Positive to expand, negative to shrink.
  • join ('miter', 'bevel', 'round') – Type of join used to create the offset polygon.
  • tolerance (number) – For miter joints, this number must be at least 2 and it represents the maximal distance in multiples of offset between new vertices and their original position before beveling to avoid spikes at acute joints. For round joints, it indicates the curvature resolution in number of points per full circle.
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertex coordinates.
  • join_first (bool) – Join all paths before offsetting to avoid unnecessary joins in adjacent polygon sides.
  • max_points (integer) – If greater than 4, fracture the resulting polygons to ensure they have at most max_points vertices. This is not a tessellating function, so this number should be as high as possible. For example, it should be set to 199 for polygons being drawn in GDSII files.
  • layer (integer) – The GDSII layer number for the resulting element.
  • datatype (integer) – The GDSII datatype for the resulting element (between 0 and 255).

out – Return the offset shape as a set of polygons.

Return type:

PolygonSet or None


gdspy.slice(polygons, position, axis, precision=0.001, layer=0, datatype=0)

Slice polygons and polygon sets at given positions along an axis.

  • polygons (PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray or iterable) – Operand of the slice operation. If this is an iterable, each element must be a PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray, or an array-like[N][2] of vertices of a polygon.
  • position (number or list of numbers) – Positions to perform the slicing operation along the specified axis.
  • axis (0 or 1) – Axis along which the polygon will be sliced.
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.
  • layer (integer, list) – The GDSII layer numbers for the elements between each division. If the number of layers in the list is less than the number of divided regions, the list is repeated.
  • datatype (integer, list) – The GDSII datatype for the resulting element (between 0 and 255). If the number of datatypes in the list is less than the number of divided regions, the list is repeated.

out – Result of the slicing operation, with N = len(positions) + 1. Each PolygonSet comprises all polygons between 2 adjacent slicing positions, in crescent order.

Return type:

list[N] of PolygonSet or None


>>> ring = gdspy.Round((0, 0), 10, inner_radius = 5)
>>> result = gdspy.slice(ring, [-7, 7], 0)
>>> cell.add(result[1])


gdspy.inside(points, polygons, short_circuit='any', precision=0.001)

Test whether each of the points is within the given set of polygons.

  • points (array-like[N][2] or sequence of array-like[N][2]) – Coordinates of the points to be tested or groups of points to be tested together.
  • polygons (PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray or iterable) – Polygons to be tested against. If this is an iterable, each element must be a PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray, or an array-like[N][2] of vertices of a polygon.
  • short_circuit ({'any', 'all'}) – If points is a sequence of point groups, testing within each group will be short-circuited if any of the points in the group is inside (‘any’) or outside (‘all’) the polygons. If points is simply a sequence of points, this parameter has no effect.
  • precision (float) – Desired precision for rounding vertice coordinates.

out – Tuple of booleans indicating if each of the points or point groups is inside the set of polygons.

Return type:



gdspy.copy(obj, dx=0, dy=0)

Create a copy of obj and translate it by (dx, dy).

  • obj (translatable object) – Object to be copied.
  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – Translated copy of original obj

Return type:

translatable object


>>> rectangle = gdspy.Rectangle((0, 0), (10, 20))
>>> rectangle2 = gdspy.copy(rectangle, 2,0)
>>> myCell.add(rectangle)
>>> myCell.add(rectangle2)

GDSII Library


class gdspy.Cell(name, exclude_from_current=False)

Bases: object

Collection of polygons, paths, labels and raferences to other cells.

Deprecated since version 1.5: The parameter exclude_from_current has been deprecated alongside the use of a global library. It will be removed in a future version of Gdspy.


name (string) – The name of the cell.

  • name (string) – The name of this cell.
  • polygons (list of PolygonSet) – List of cell polygons.
  • paths (list of RobustPath or FlexPath) – List of cell paths.
  • labels (list of Label) – List of cell labels.
  • references (list of CellReference or CellArray) – List of cell references.
to_gds(outfile, multiplier, timestamp=None)

Convert this cell to a GDSII structure.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII structure.
  • timestamp (datetime object) – Sets the GDSII timestamp. If None, the current time is used.
copy(name, deep_copy=False, translation=None, rotation=None, scale=None, x_reflection=False)

Create a copy of this cell.

  • name (string) – The name of the cell.
  • deep_copy (bool) – If False, the new cell will contain only references to the existing elements. If True, copies of all elements are also created. If any transformation is performed, this argument is automatically set to True.
  • translation (Numpy array[2]) – Amount to translate the cell contents.
  • rotation (number) – Rotation angle (in radians).
  • scale (number) – Scaling factor.
  • x_reflection (bool) – Reflect the geometry accros the x axis.

out – The new copy of this cell.

Return type:



Add a new element or list of elements to this cell.

Parameters:element (PolygonSet, CellReference, CellArray or iterable) – The element or iterable of elements to be inserted in this cell.
Returns:out – This cell.
Return type:Cell

Remove polygons from this cell.

The function or callable test is called for each polygon in the cell. If its return value evaluates to True, the corresponding polygon is removed from the cell.

Parameters:test (callable) – Test function to query whether a polygon should be removed. The function is called with arguments: (points, layer, datatype)
Returns:out – This cell.
Return type:Cell


Remove polygons in layer 1:

>>> cell.remove_polygons(lambda pts, layer, datatype:
...                      layer == 1)

Remove polygons with negative x coordinates:

>>> cell.remove_polygons(lambda pts, layer, datatype:
...                      any(pts[:, 0] < 0))

Remove paths from this cell.

The function or callable test is called for each FlexPath or RobustPath in the cell. If its return value evaluates to True, the corresponding label is removed from the cell.

Parameters:test (callable) – Test function to query whether a path should be removed. The function is called with the path as the only argument.
Returns:out – This cell.
Return type:Cell

Remove labels from this cell.

The function or callable test is called for each label in the cell. If its return value evaluates to True, the corresponding label is removed from the cell.

Parameters:test (callable) – Test function to query whether a label should be removed. The function is called with the label as the only argument.
Returns:out – This cell.
Return type:Cell


Remove labels in layer 1:

>>> cell.remove_labels(lambda lbl: lbl.layer == 1)

Calculate the total area of the elements on this cell, including cell references and arrays.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with the areas of each individual pair (layer, datatype).
Returns:out – Area of this cell.
Return type:number, dictionary

Return the set of layers in this cell.

Returns:out – Set of the layers used in this cell.
Return type:set

Return the set of datatypes in this cell.

Returns:out – Set of the datatypes used in this cell.
Return type:set

Return the set of texttypes in this cell.

Returns:out – Set of the texttypes used in this cell.
Return type:set

Return the set of classes for the SVG representation of this cell.

Returns:out0, out1 – Sets of (layer, datatype) and (layer, texttype) used in this cell.
Return type:sets of 2-tuples

Calculate the bounding box for this cell.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this cell [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the cell is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
get_polygons(by_spec=False, depth=None)

Return a list of polygons in this cell.

  • by_spec (bool or tuple) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with the polygons of each individual pair (layer, datatype). If set to a tuple of (layer, datatype), only polygons with that specification are returned.
  • depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve polygons. References below this level will result in a bounding box. If by_spec is True the key will be the name of this cell.

out – List containing the coordinates of the vertices of each polygon, or dictionary with the list of polygons (if by_spec is True).

Return type:

list of array-like[N][2] or dictionary


Instances of FlexPath and RobustPath are also included in the result by computing their polygonal boundary.


Return a list with a copy of the polygons in this cell.

Parameters:depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve polygons from.
Returns:out – List containing the polygons in this cell and its references.
Return type:list of PolygonSet

Return a list with a copy of the paths in this cell.

Parameters:depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve paths from.
Returns:out – List containing the paths in this cell and its references.
Return type:list of FlexPath or RobustPath

Return a list with a copy of the labels in this cell.

Parameters:depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve labels from.
Returns:out – List containing the labels in this cell and its references.
Return type:list of Label

Return a list of the cells included in this cell as references.

Parameters:recursive (bool) – If True returns cascading dependencies.
Returns:out – List of the cells referenced by this cell.
Return type:set of Cell
flatten(single_layer=None, single_datatype=None, single_texttype=None)

Convert all references into polygons, paths and labels.

  • single_layer (integer or None) – If not None, all polygons will be transfered to the layer indicated by this number.
  • single_datatype (integer or None) – If not None, all polygons will be transfered to the datatype indicated by this number.
  • single_datatype – If not None, all labels will be transfered to the texttype indicated by this number.

out – This cell.

Return type:


to_svg(outfile, scaling, attributes='')

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.
  • attributes (string) – Additional attributes to set for the cell group.
write_svg(outfile, scaling=10, style=None, fontstyle=None, background='#222', pad='5%')

Export this cell to an SVG file.

The dimensions actually written on the GDSII file will be the dimensions of the objects created times the ratio unit/precision. For example, if a circle with radius 1.5 is created and we set GdsLibrary.unit to 1.0e-6 (1 um) and GdsLibrary.precision to 1.0e-9` (1 nm), the radius of the circle will be 1.5 um and the GDSII file will contain the dimension 1500 nm.

  • outfile (file, string or Path) – The file (or path) where the GDSII stream will be written. It must be opened for writing operations in binary format.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.
  • style (dict or None) – Dictionary indexed by (layer, datatype) tuples. Entries must be dictionaries with CSS key-value pairs for the presentation attributes of the geometry in that layer and datatype.
  • fontstyle (dict or None) – Dictionary indexed by (layer, texttype) tuples. Entries must be dictionaries with CSS key-value pairs for the presentation attributes of the labels in that layer and texttype.
  • background (string or None) – String specifying the background color. If None, no background is inserted.
  • pad (number or string) – Background margin around the cell bounding box. It can be specified as a percentage of the width or height, whichever is the largest.


>>> cell = gdspy.Cell('MAIN')
>>> cell.add(gdspy.Rectangle((0, 0), (10, 10), layer=1))
>>> # Define fill and stroke for layer 1 and datatype 0
>>> mystyle = {(1, 0): {'fill': '#CC00FF',
                        'stroke': 'black'}}
>>> cell.write_svg('main.svg', style=mystyle)


class gdspy.CellReference(ref_cell, origin=(0, 0), rotation=None, magnification=None, x_reflection=False, ignore_missing=False)

Bases: object

Simple reference to an existing cell.

  • ref_cell (Cell or string) – The referenced cell or its name.
  • origin (array-like[2]) – Position where the reference is inserted.
  • rotation (number) – Angle of rotation of the reference (in degrees).
  • magnification (number) – Magnification factor for the reference.
  • x_reflection (bool) – If True the reference is reflected parallel to the x direction before being rotated.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – If False a warning is issued when the referenced cell is not found.
  • ref_cell (Cell or string) – The referenced cell or its name.
  • origin (array-like[2]) – Position where the reference is inserted.
  • rotation (number) – Angle of rotation of the reference (in degrees).
  • magnification (number) – Magnification factor for the reference.
  • x_reflection (bool) – If True the reference is reflected parallel to the x direction before being rotated.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – If False a warning is issued when the referenced cell is not found.
  • properties ({integer: string} dictionary) – Properties for these elements.
to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a GDSII element.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII element.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.

Calculate the total area of the referenced cell with the magnification factor included.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with the areas of each individual pair (layer, datatype).
Returns:out – Area of this cell.
Return type:number, dictionary
get_polygons(by_spec=False, depth=None)

Return the list of polygons created by this reference.

  • by_spec (bool or tuple) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with the polygons of each individual pair (layer, datatype). If set to a tuple of (layer, datatype), only polygons with that specification are returned.
  • depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve polygons. References below this level will result in a bounding box. If by_spec is True the key will be the name of the referenced cell.

out – List containing the coordinates of the vertices of each polygon, or dictionary with the list of polygons (if by_spec is True).

Return type:

list of array-like[N][2] or dictionary


Instances of FlexPath and RobustPath are also included in the result by computing their polygonal boundary.


Return the list of polygons created by this reference.

Parameters:depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve polygons from.
Returns:out – List containing the polygons in this cell and its references.
Return type:list of PolygonSet

Return the list of paths created by this reference.

Parameters:depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve paths from.
Returns:out – List containing the paths in this cell and its references.
Return type:list of FlexPath or RobustPath

Return the list of labels created by this reference.

Parameters:depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve labels from.
Returns:out – List containing the labels in this cell and its references.
Return type:list of Label

Calculate the bounding box for this reference.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this cell [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the cell is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this reference.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:



class gdspy.CellArray(ref_cell, columns, rows, spacing, origin=(0, 0), rotation=None, magnification=None, x_reflection=False, ignore_missing=False)

Bases: object

Multiple references to an existing cell in an array format.

  • ref_cell (Cell or string) – The referenced cell or its name.
  • columns (positive integer) – Number of columns in the array.
  • rows (positive integer) – Number of columns in the array.
  • spacing (array-like[2]) – distances between adjacent columns and adjacent rows.
  • origin (array-like[2]) – Position where the cell is inserted.
  • rotation (number) – Angle of rotation of the reference (in degrees).
  • magnification (number) – Magnification factor for the reference.
  • x_reflection (bool) – If True, the reference is reflected parallel to the x direction before being rotated.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – If False a warning is issued when the referenced cell is not found.
  • ref_cell (Cell or string) – The referenced cell or its name.
  • columns (positive integer) – Number of columns in the array.
  • rows (positive integer) – Number of columns in the array.
  • spacing (array-like[2]) – distances between adjacent columns and adjacent rows.
  • origin (array-like[2]) – Position where the cell is inserted.
  • rotation (number) – Angle of rotation of the reference (in degrees).
  • magnification (number) – Magnification factor for the reference.
  • x_reflection (bool) – If True, the reference is reflected parallel to the x direction before being rotated.
  • ignore_missing (bool) – If False a warning is issued when the referenced cell is not found.
  • properties ({integer: string} dictionary) – Properties for these elements.
to_gds(outfile, multiplier)

Convert this object to a GDSII element.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the GDSII.
  • multiplier (number) – A number that multiplies all dimensions written in the GDSII element.
to_svg(outfile, scaling)

Write an SVG fragment representation of this object.

  • outfile (open file) – Output to write the SVG representation.
  • scaling (number) – Scaling factor for the geometry.

Calculate the total area of the cell array with the magnification factor included.

Parameters:by_spec (bool) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with the areas of each individual pair (layer, datatype).
Returns:out – Area of this cell.
Return type:number, dictionary
get_polygons(by_spec=False, depth=None)

Return the list of polygons created by this reference.

  • by_spec (bool or tuple) – If True, the return value is a dictionary with the polygons of each individual pair (layer, datatype). If set to a tuple of (layer, datatype), only polygons with that specification are returned.
  • depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve polygons. References below this level will result in a bounding box. If by_spec is True the key will be name of the referenced cell.

out – List containing the coordinates of the vertices of each polygon, or dictionary with the list of polygons (if by_spec is True).

Return type:

list of array-like[N][2] or dictionary


Instances of FlexPath and RobustPath are also included in the result by computing their polygonal boundary.


Return the list of polygons created by this reference.

Parameters:depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve polygons from.
Returns:out – List containing the polygons in this cell and its references.
Return type:list of PolygonSet

Return the list of paths created by this reference.

Parameters:depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve paths from.
Returns:out – List containing the paths in this cell and its references.
Return type:list of FlexPath or RobustPath

Return the list of labels created by this reference.

Parameters:depth (integer or None) – If not None, defines from how many reference levels to retrieve labels from.
Returns:out – List containing the labels in this cell and its references.
Return type:list of Label

Calculate the bounding box for this reference.

Returns:out – Bounding box of this cell [[x_min, y_min], [x_max, y_max]], or None if the cell is empty.
Return type:Numpy array[2, 2] or None
translate(dx, dy)

Translate this reference.

  • dx (number) – Distance to move in the x-direction.
  • dy (number) – Distance to move in the y-direction.

out – This object.

Return type:



class gdspy.GdsLibrary(name='library', infile=None, unit=1e-06, precision=1e-09, **kwargs)

Bases: object

GDSII library (file).

Represent a GDSII library containing a dictionary of cells.

  • name (string) – Name of the GDSII library. Ignored if a name is defined in infile.
  • infile (file or string) – GDSII stream file (or path) to be imported. It must be opened for reading in binary format.
  • kwargs (keyword arguments) – Arguments passed to read_gds.
  • name (string) – Name of the GDSII library.
  • cells (dictionary) – Dictionary of cells in this library, indexed by name.
  • unit (number) – Unit size for the objects in the library (in meters).
  • precision (number) – Precision for the dimensions of the objects in the library (in meters).
new_cell(name, overwrite_duplicate=False, update_references=True)

Create a new cell and add it to this library.

  • name (string) – Name of the cell.
  • overwrite_duplicate (bool) – If True, an existing cell with the same name in the library will be overwritten.
  • update_references (bool) – If True, CellReference and CellArray instances from an overwritten cell are updated to the new one (used only when overwrite_duplicate is True).

out – The created cell.

Return type:



This is equivalent to: >>> cell = gdspy.Cell(name) >>> lib.add(cell, False, overwrite_duplicate, update_references)

add(cell, include_dependencies=True, overwrite_duplicate=False, update_references=True)

Add one or more cells to the library.

  • cell (Cell or iterable) – Cells to be included in the library.
  • include_dependencies (bool) – If True, also add cells referenced by cell, recursively.
  • overwrite_duplicate (bool) – If True, an existing cell with the same name in the library will be overwritten.
  • update_references (bool) – If True, CellReference and CellArray instances from an overwritten cell are updated to the new one (used only when overwrite_duplicate is True).

out – This object.

Return type:


remove(cell, remove_references=True)

Remove a cell from the library.

  • cell (Cell or string) – Cell to be removed from the library.
  • remove_references (bool) – If True, CellReference and CellArray using the removed cell will also be removed.

out – Number of references removed.

Return type:


write_gds(outfile, cells=None, timestamp=None, binary_cells=None)

Write the GDSII library to a file.

The dimensions actually written on the GDSII file will be the dimensions of the objects created times the ratio unit/precision. For example, if a circle with radius 1.5 is created and we set GdsLibrary.unit to 1.0e-6 (1 um) and GdsLibrary.precision to 1.0e-9` (1 nm), the radius of the circle will be 1.5 um and the GDSII file will contain the dimension 1500 nm.

  • outfile (file, string or Path) – The file (or path) where the GDSII stream will be written. It must be opened for writing operations in binary format.
  • cells (iterable) – The cells or cell names to be included in the library. If None, all cells are used.
  • timestamp (datetime object) – Sets the GDSII timestamp. If None, the current time is used.
  • binary_cells (iterable of bytes) – Iterable with binary data for GDSII cells (from get_binary_cells, for example).


Only the specified cells are written. The user is responsible for ensuring all cell dependencies are satisfied.

read_gds(infile, units='skip', rename={}, rename_template='{name}', layers={}, datatypes={}, texttypes={})

Read a GDSII file into this library.

  • infile (file, string or Path) – GDSII stream file (or path) to be imported. It must be opened for reading in binary format.
  • units ({'convert', 'import', 'skip'}) – Controls how to scale and use the units in the imported file. ‘convert’: the imported geometry is scaled to this library units. ‘import’: the unit and precision in this library are replaced by those from the imported file. ‘skip’: the imported geometry is not scaled and units are not replaced; the geometry is imported in the user units of the file.
  • rename (dictionary) – Dictionary used to rename the imported cells. Keys and values must be strings.
  • rename_template (string) – Template string used to rename the imported cells. Appiled only if the cell name is not in the rename dictionary. Examples: ‘prefix-{name}’, ‘{name}-suffix’
  • layers (dictionary) – Dictionary used to convert the layers in the imported cells. Keys and values must be integers.
  • datatypes (dictionary) – Dictionary used to convert the datatypes in the imported cells. Keys and values must be integers.
  • texttypes (dictionary) – Dictionary used to convert the text types in the imported cells. Keys and values must be integers.

out – This object.

Return type:



Not all features from the GDSII specification are currently supported. A warning will be produced if any unsupported features are found in the imported file.


Output the top level cells from the GDSII data.

Top level cells are those that are not referenced by any other cells.

Returns:out – List of top level cells.
Return type:list
rename_cell(cell, name, update_references=True)

Rename an existing cell in the library.

  • cell (Cell or string) – Cell to be renamed. It must be present in the library.
  • name (string) – New name for the cell. It cannot be present in the library.
  • update_references (bool) – If True, replace references using the old name with the new cell.

out – Number of updated references.

Return type:


replace_references(old_cell, new_cell)

Replace cells in all references in the library.

All CellReference and CellArray using the old_cell are updated to reference new_cell. Matching with old_cell is by name only.

  • old_cell (Cell or string) – Cell to be replaced.
  • new_cell (Cell or string) – Replacement cell. If the cell name is passed and it is present in the library, the actual cell is used instead.

out – Number of replacements.

Return type:


extract(cell, overwrite_duplicate=False)

Extract a cell from the this GDSII file and include it in the current global library, including referenced dependencies.

Deprecated since version 1.5: extract is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Gdspy. Gdspy no longer uses a global library.

  • cell (Cell or string) – Cell or name of the cell to be extracted from the imported file. Referenced cells will be automatically extracted as well.
  • overwrite_duplicate (bool) – If True an existing cell with the same name in the current global library will be overwritten.

out – The extracted cell.

Return type:



CellReference or CellArray instances that referred to an overwritten cell are not automatically updated.


class gdspy.GdsWriter(outfile, name='library', unit=1e-06, precision=1e-09, timestamp=None)

Bases: object

GDSII strem library writer.

The dimensions actually written on the GDSII file will be the dimensions of the objects created times the ratio unit/precision. For example, if a circle with radius 1.5 is created and we set unit to 1.0e-6 (1 um) and precision to 1.0e-9 (1 nm), the radius of the circle will be 1.5 um and the GDSII file will contain the dimension 1500 nm.

  • outfile (file, string or Path) – The file (or path) where the GDSII stream will be written. It must be opened for writing operations in binary format.
  • name (string) – Name of the GDSII library (file).
  • unit (number) – Unit size for the objects in the library (in meters).
  • precision (number) – Precision for the dimensions of the objects in the library (in meters).
  • timestamp (datetime object) – Sets the GDSII timestamp. If None, the current time is used.


This class can be used for incremental output of the geometry in case the complete layout is too large to be kept in memory all at once.


>>> writer = gdspy.GdsWriter('out-file.gds', unit=1.0e-6,
...                          precision=1.0e-9)
>>> for i in range(10):
...     cell = gdspy.Cell('C{}'.format(i), True)
...     # Add the contents of this cell...
...     writer.write_cell(cell)
...     # Clear the memory: erase Cell objects and any other objects
...     # that won't be needed.
...     del cell
>>> writer.close()
write_cell(cell, timestamp=None)

Write the specified cell to the file.

  • cell (Cell) – Cell to be written.
  • timestamp (datetime object) – Sets the GDSII timestamp. If None, the current time is used.


Only the specified cell is written. Dependencies must be manually included.

Returns:out – This object.
Return type:GdsWriter

Write the specified binary cells to the file.

Parameters:binary_cells (iterable of bytes) – Iterable with binary data for GDSII cells (from get_binary_cells, for example).
Returns:out – This object.
Return type:GdsWriter

Finalize the GDSII stream library.


class gdspy.LayoutViewer(library=None, cells=None, hidden_types=[], depth=0, color={}, pattern={}, background='#202020', width=800, height=600)

Provide a GUI where the layout can be viewed.

The view can be scrolled vertically with the mouse wheel, and horizontally by holding the shift key and using the mouse wheel. Dragging the 2nd mouse button also scrolls the view, and if control is held down, it scrolls 10 times faster.

You can zoom in or out using control plus the mouse wheel, or drag a rectangle on the window with the 1st mouse button to zoom into that area.

A ruler is available by clicking the 1st mouse button anywhere on the view and moving the mouse around. The distance is shown in the status area.

Double-clicking on any polygon gives some information about it.

Color and pattern for each layer/datatype specification can be changed by left and right clicking on the icon in the layer/datatype list. Left and right clicking the text label changes the visibility.

  • library (GdsLibrary) – GDSII library to display.
  • cells (Cell or iterable) – The array of cells to be included in the view in addition to the library cells.
  • hidden_types (array-like) – The array of tuples (layer, datatype) to start in hidden state.
  • depth (integer) – Initial depth of referenced cells to be displayed.
  • color (dictionary) – Dictionary of colors for each tuple (layer, datatype). The colors must be strings in the format #rrggbb. A value with key default will be used as default color.
  • pattern (dictionary) – Dictionary of patterns for each tuple (layer, datatype). The patterns must be integers between 0 and 9, inclusive. A value with key default will be used as default pattern.
  • background (string) – Canvas background color in the format #rrggbb.
  • width (integer) – Horizontal size of the viewer canvas.
  • height (integer) – Vertical size of the viewer canvas.


White background, filled shapes:

>>> gdspy.LayoutViewer(pattern={'default': 8},
...                    background='#FFFFFF')

No filling, black color for layer 0, datatype 1, automatic for others:

>>> gdspy.LayoutViewer(pattern={'default': 9},
...                    color={(0, 1): '#000000'})


gdspy.write_gds(outfile, cells=None, name='library', unit=1e-06, precision=1e-09, timestamp=None, binary_cells=None)


gdspy.gdsii_hash(filename, engine=None)

Calculate the a hash value for a GDSII file.

The hash is generated based only on the contents of the cells in the GDSII library, ignoring any timestamp records present in the file structure.

  • filename (string or Path) – Full path to the GDSII file.
  • engine (hashlib-like engine) – The engine that executes the hashing algorithm. It must provide the methods update and hexdigest as defined in the hashlib module. If None, the dafault hashlib.sha1() is used.

out – The hash correponding to the library contents in hex format.

Return type:




Load all cells from a GDSII stream file in binary format.

Parameters:infile (file, string, or Path) – GDSII stream file (or path) to be loaded. It must be opened for reading in binary format.
Returns:out – Dictionary of binary cell representations indexed by name.
Return type:dictionary


The returned cells inherit the units of the loaded file. If they are used in a new library, the new library must use compatible units.



Return the unit and precision used in the GDS stream file.

Parameters:infile (file, string or Path) – GDSII stream file to be queried.
Returns:out – Return (unit, precision) from the file.
Return type:2-tuple